Institute of Nursing



Research, Nigeria

We are passionate about building the capacity of nurses in research and scholarly endeavours while conducting research projects, disseminating our findings in peer-reviewed journals and organizing scientific conferences.

Who We Are

INRN is a non-governmental professional organization established by Fellowship of Christian Nurses, South West Zone Nigeria, a non-governmental organization registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission with Registration Number 11081.

We are passionate about building the capacity of nurses in research and scholarly endeavours while conducting research projects, disseminating our findings in peer-reviewed journals and organizing scientific conferences.

Our Activities

Impacting nurses, families, and communities through research and scholarly endeavours.


We organize research seminars, workshops and conferences that will make you a BETTER nurse researcher.

inr publications


We organize summits and campaigns for nurses and communities at large for them to learn and get better at research.

Book Publications

We write and publish books in nursing research that will help make your research journey smooth.

Conference, Webinar, Summit