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INR JOURNAL CLUB REPORT | Panel discussion: The journey so far, The present and The future

Title/Theme: Panel discussion: The journey so far, the present and the future

Date: 29th of January, 2022

Time: 10am

Venue: Zoom


The meeting started at 10:00 am when the moderator Nurse Eniola Dara welcomed everyone present and requested that every participant should introduce themselves in the chat room.

He said the essence of the meeting is to discuss members’ experiences and challenges so far. He introduced the panelists as follows:

Nurse Akingbade Damilare

Nurse Adesuyi Emmanuel

Nurse Faleti Daniel

Nurse Tola Yetunde

After which he handed over to Nurse Tola Yetunde.


Nurse Tola Yetunde divided the participants into groups anchored by the panelists for about 15 minutes where participants were allowed to ask questions and answers were provided by the panelists.

Overview: The group sessions ended at 10:30 am and the general session continued with questions and answers

Q: When will cohorts 1 and 2 end?

A: Each cohort is structured to be a 2-year program (Nurse Akingbade).

A: The first year is the contact and theoretical session while the second year is for the project which comprises of carrying out, writing, and publishing a research work (Nurse Tola).

Q: How will research groups be formed?

A: Individuals with different research abilities will be placed together in a group so that they will learn from one another and this will also help to carry out their project (Nurse Adesuyi).

The subscription fee remains the same as when the application was done.

Details will be sent to each cohort group. (Nurse Faleti)

Q: What is the graduation package and criteria to fulfill to graduate?

A: Criteria include:

– Participants must be committed to attending meetings.

– They must be faithful in doing assignments.

– They must have paid their 2nd-year subscription.

– They must demonstrate efficiency in scholarly activities.

The graduation package includes:

– IJC members will have the privilege to become full members of INR.

– Virtual graduation will be done and certificates will be given to graduands.

– Graduates will become tutors in IJC (Nurse Akingbade).

A: Anyone who does not meet all graduation criteria will have to pay another subscription fee for the year the individual is spilling over to (Nurse Tola).

Q: Will there be experts to oversee the research groups?

A: Yes, experts will be mixed with beginners so that no one will be left out. And anyone who feels left out should reach out to the leaders (Nurse Adesuyi).

Q: Can IJC mentor students who are writing their school projects?

A: Anyone who needs help should reach out to the leaders, however, the student’s school supervisor has the final say. (Nurse Akingbade)

Q: What are the criteria that would be used to select graduates that will teach others?

A: The individual graduate must have demonstrated understanding of the topic and also demonstrated skillfulness in scholarly activities (Nurse Adesuyi).

A: Also the individual will be paired with an expert in the topic for guidance (Nurse Akingbade).

Q: Can the club increase the number of classes for data analysis?

A: Get a laptop, Install SPSS, then you can speak with the leaders for mentorship (Nurse Tola).

Q: Can topics that have been taught before be taught again because of those who did not understand?

A: IJC leaders or the person that taught the topic can be reached out to for personal discussion because it can not be assumed that everyone did not understand the topic (Nurse Tola).

Q: Can articles that are not open access online be accessed through INR?

A: Yes, some can be accessed by leaders abroad, because their country might have access to the article (Nurse Tola).

The question and answer session came to an end and the moderator thanked the panelists and participants.

Announcement: Final decision on the submission of the end of the year assignment for those who have not submitted will be announced on the group and feedback will be sent to those who submitted before the next meeting

The meeting came to an end at 11:16 am.

Reporting INR-JC press team member
Oluwatosin Olarinde.

INR Nigeria


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