TOPIC- Theoretical and Conceptual Framework in Nursing research.
Presenter- Tola Oluwafemi Yetunde, Doctoral Research Scholar, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Moderator- Esther Ilesanmi.
Venue – INR Nigeria journal club ZOOM.
DATE- 10th July 2021. – 10:00am.
Overview of the Presentation
Theoretical framework
Conceptual framework
Questions and Answers
The speaker emphasized that the lecture would be interactive as much as possible.
Definition of Terms
The presenter defined the following:
Theory – An imaginative group of knowledge, ideas, and experience that are represented symbolically seeking to illuminate a phenomenon.
Discipline – a unique perspective to enquire in a study.
Domain – the boundary of focus in a theory.
Values and beliefs – The view of a person and strong commitment to knowledge in the care of person through Nursing.
Conceptual and Syntactical structure – concepts within the nursing theory that help nurses understand the talents, skills, and abilities that must be used in nursing care.
Why Do Nurses Need Theory?
According to the presenter, it is to address the phenomenon of nursing interest, human beings, health, and caring in the contest of the nurse-patient relationship.
Theory and Research
She also stated that theory generates research for nursing development.
Theoretical /Conceptual Framework
The presenter explained using an example of a building as a plan, that the foundation that makes up the building serves as the theory for the study.
She further explained the following:
– Theoretical framework fits a problem into a theory.
– The trajectory of how to identify theory through reading past related theory.
– When variables about research can be fit into one theory.
– Look for key terms in the theory related to the research topic.
The presenter mentioned when theory is valid by illustrating her personal example with her Doctoral degree project on her experience at developing a non-pharmacological intervention of pain management on patients undergoing breast cancer mastectomy.
The presenter illustrated the theory she used in her study in pain phenomenon as symptom experience – symptom management- symptom outcome that she referred to as system management theory.
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What to Know In Setting A Theory
According to the presenter, they include:
– Domain
– Research question
– Hypothesis
– Personal grasp of the theory.
Questions And Answers
Participants were allowed to ask questions which the presenter gave prompt responses to;
Question 1: Can more than one theory be used in a study?
Answer: The question will be answered in the next presentation.
Question 2: Can theory influence or change objectives, research questions, or hypotheses?
Answer: Theory can influence objectives because theory provides the foundation for the research.
The second part of the presentation commenced at about 10:43 a.m.
Conceptual Framework
The presenter stated that this is the combination of theories, ideas experiences in validated research work.
Why Conceptual Framework?
Theories are proven to be valid and reliable, but because theories could be edited to suit one’s study making it conceptual in the sense that the researcher can compare variables in a study into a concept.
The presenter highlighted another personal example in her Master’s study where she merged concepts together in coming up with a theory and referred to it as a conceptual framework.
She emphasized the need to read works of literature widely to come up with theories concerning objectives, hypotheses.
Questions And Answers
Question: Can we use a theoretical framework and conceptual framework in a study?
Answer: There’s no need to combine the two frameworks in a study because it only leads to a waste of time and resources. However, some supervisors have different perspectives. She advised that we should abide by our supervisor’s directives but that she just needs to tell us the right thing that is supposed to be done.
The presenter summarised by emphasizing the importance of reading widely before commencing any research work and advised that we should avoid plagiarism and should assess primary research articles provided by WHO databases.
Reporting INR Journal Press Team Member.
Aminu Abdulwajeed.
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