Let’s Talk About Our Forthcoming International (Virtual) Scientific Conference


A few months back, we basked in the euphoria created by intense interactions with a global community of Nurses in our Career Summit.

At that summit, we could not help but notice the growing hunger in the hearts of Nurses locally & globally for more intellectual & scholarly engagements.

Join us now, register here…

We enjoyed the atmosphere, as Nursing professionals of all levels, from varied backgrounds, with different experiences & rich exposures shared their stories in an environment of learning, community & friendship.

We desire to replicate that same effect, but this time around, with a more extensive reach, bringing together Nursing Professionals from the world of Nursing Research, Nursing Leadership & Nursing Innovation, under one roof to share & interact, in our forthcoming Scientific (Virtual) Research Conference. 

“The Scientific (Virtual) Research Conference is a nurse-oriented research conference organized by the Institute of Nursing Research, Nigeria.” 

This is a rare & uncommon opportunity for Registered Nurses who are enthusiastic about growing their network, professional relationships & competencies in the area of Nursing ResearchNursing Innovation Nursing Leadership

Seize this opportunity, don’t you let it slip past you! 

The Scientific Conference affords Registered Nurses the chance of interacting with world-class & world renown Nurse Researchers & Scholars – Nursing Professionals blazing the tracks in their various specialties & fields. 

The Institute of Nursing Research, Nigeria has mastered the intelligent art of making Nurses converge under one umbrella with a common goal. 

We understand that it is only when we gather & share that we can truly grow as a community. Together makes us stronger & better.

This is the light that we have discovered. 

And we are dedicated to shining this light that we have found, and so jealously guide, preserving the truth for the next crop of Nurse Leaders, Scholars & Innovators. 

In the course of the conference, there will be in-depth discussions & interactions that cut across a wide range of contemporary themes, including, but not limited to: 

  • Patient Safety and Nursing Practice.
  • 21st Century Nursing Education.
  • Cutting-edge Research and Evidence-Based Practice.
  • Visionary Leadership, Management, and Politics in Nursing.
  • Technological Trends in Nursing.

Speakers & Guests are seasoned nursing professionals in their selected niches, who have sufficient experience to paint vivid pictures in the minds of participants to take necessary steps towards unleashing the potential hidden within them. 

Also, for the first time in the world of Nursing Academia on the African continent, we will be giving awards to the Young Researcher of The Year (best three abstract presentations from Nursing Students of Schools and Departments of Nursing in Nigeria) & The Best Abstract Presentation (best three abstract presentations from conference participants). 

To submit an abstract for presentation in any of the award categories, kindly follow this link for more details. 

Participants will be awarded a certificate of participation, and they will become part of our community of scholars, leaders, scientists & innovators. 

You don’t want to be left out, register now!


  • Interact with a global community of Highly Influential Nurse Leaders, Brilliant Researchers, and Smart Innovators. 
  • Get the rare opportunity of interacting with Nurses who share your passions & desire to see that Nursing in Africa has a brighter future. 
  • Massive networking opportunities for Nurses who understand the dynamics & importance of networking. 
  • Get connected to passionate mentors who are ready to hold your hands as you navigate the challenging paths in the world of Nursing Research & Academia. 
  • And so much more…

Who knows, you may even be the lucky researcher who goes home with one of the awards that we will be presenting at the conference (The Young Researcher Award & The Best Abstract Presentation). 

What To Read: 

Preparing An Abstract For Conference Presentation
Theoretical & Conceptual Framework In Nursing Research
The Peer Review Process

It won’t be fair if we don’t also present to you the opportunity to become a member of our Journal Club.  

The INRN Journal Club is one of its kind. No other Nursing Community on the African continent boasts of such an initiative dedicated to the nurturing of the research faculties of Registered Nurses. 

Join Our Journal Club, and become “a research writing virtuoso.” 

We boast of it, and now we give you the chance to become part of it. 

To know how to become a member of our Journal Club, follow us here

Feel free to ask any questions in the comment box below. 


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Location of the Conference

ADDRESS: Burlington Hall, 2nd floor, Lagos Chambers of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) Conference Exhibition Centre, 10 Dr. Nurudeen Olowopopo Way,
Besides Japaul House, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos State.



We’ll be in touch via email for notification and modalities of the event. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


We acknowledge the submission of your abstract. It’ll undergo peer review, and a response will be given through your email. 

Thank You.


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